
I assist clients in identifying their advertising goals, evaluating the size of their budget, choosing the appropriate media and if needed, creating ads. I can show your business the most effective way to reach your customers and potential customers.


In business, “marketing” refers to the planning of, and steps taken, to bring merchants and consumers together. Advertising is but one step in this process. It’s the part that involves getting the word out concerning a business, a product, or the services a business is offering.


With over three decades of advertising experience, I can provide you with short-term or long-term advertising guidance.  The goal is to increase your business’s profitability by advising you on how to best advertise your product or service within a specific budget. In addition to providing advice, I can assist with developing strategic ad campaigns, writing copy and the purchase of appropriate ad space.

Here are some of the skills I’ve acquired over the years:

  • The ability to effectively assess the advertising needs of an organization.
  • The ability to analyze market data and recommend the most effective and cost efficient advertising methods.
  • The ability to create ad campaigns.
  • The ability to work within a strict deadline.
  • The ability to place ads in the right media outlet.
  • The ability to work within budgetary restrictions.