It was Albert Einstein who said, “The best source of knowledge is experience.” Most people know that Einstein was a pretty smart guy and knew what he was talking about.
When it comes to experience, Randy Robertson has over three decades of working in the marketing world. His knowledge of how to brand a client, create and produce effective advertising campaigns, establish good public relations and promote a business has generated positive results for those who choose to work with him. He brings a wealth of experience to any client’s marketing challenge.
Randy’s first job out of college was Director of Marketing at Ruston State Bank in Ruston, Louisiana. In the mid-80’s he started his first ad agency and worked with local and regional clients throughout north Louisiana. In the mid-90’s he sold his agency and did insurance and investment work for four years, which gave him additional insight into the financial industry.
In 2000, Randy and his family moved to Waco, Texas where he started his current company, INNOVATiON Marketing & Consulting. For the past couple of decades he has helped to market dozens of local, regional and national clients. In 2015, he downsized the business to where he can focus on consulting with businesses and working more one-on-one with clients.
Randy earned a master’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Alabama. His undergraduate degree is in Marketing from Louisiana Tech University, where he was quarterback of the football team, finishing as their seventh all-time leading passer.
He is a past Governor of the American Advertising Federation’s (AAF) 10th District, comprised of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana. Randy also served multiple terms as President of AAF Waco, and before that was President of AAF Northeast Louisiana. He has also served on numerous local boards, including the Waco Chamber of Commerce, the Texas Sports Hall of Fame, Boys and Girls Club of Waco and the Midway High School Athletic Booster Club.